Thane Police School
Privacy Policy

Thane Police School operates the website.Our Privacy Policy shows how we manage the personal information provided to it or collected by it.

We do not display advertising on Thane Police School Website. Our mission is to provide you with a better experience to experience our Trust.
We do not sell your personal information to third parties as we do not use our website for any commercial purpose.

Goenka & Associate Educational Trust is a registered as a Public Charitable Trust under Bombay Public Trust Act under Registration No.E-8297(Bom) dated 17th August 1981. The Trust is governed under Office of the Charity Commissioner, Mumbai. The Trust is registered with the Income Tax authorities u/s. 12-A(a) of the Act and we have been granted exemption for the donations received u/s.80 G of the Act.

What information do we collect?
We take the information you provide to us very seriously and only for admission purpose, not for any other marketing or commercial purpose.
The data is collected by respective schools and is the following :

  • Student Details : Name,email ID and Contact Number
  • Location/Address Details

How we use the information we collect
The purposes for which Thane Police School uses personal information of students and parents include :

  • For communication with parents, we use your information for admission purpose, to register your account and respond to inquiries.
  • Day-to-day administration of the Schools.
  • To keep parents informed about matters related to their child’s schooling, through digital communications.
  • In some cases where the School requests personal information about a student or parent, if the information requested is not provided, the School may not be able to enrol or continue the enrolment of the pupil or permit the pupil to take part in a particular activity

Our approach to Data Security
Data security is important to you, and to us. Make sure you follow these steps :

  • To protect your privacy and security, we take reasonable steps to verify your identity before granting you account access or making corrections to your information. For example, we may ask you to provide certain Personal Information to confirm your identity, and we may require that you create and use a password to access Online Education Platform provided by our schools. You should create and maintain a strong password to help ensure the security of your account.
  • Parents and students need to make sure that they do not disclose their personal information such as login Id, password, account details with anyone, not even with other parents for any reason.

Links to other sites
Some Links may link to and may be linked by websites operated by other entities or individuals. But none of them have access to our data. Hence it is secured. Eg. Youtube

Changes and updates to this Privacy Policy
Thane Police School may modify or revise this Privacy Policy from time to time ro provise better quality.Thane Police School will notify users of any changes to our Privacy Policy by posting the revised Privacy Policy with an updated date of revision on our website. If we change this Policy in a material manner, we will do our best to notify you of the changes by posting a notice on our website.